2147 Cases Under ND&PS Act Have Been Registered In 2023
1517 Cases Were Registered The Year 2022

हिमाचल न्यूज़ डेली (Himachal News Daily)
Shimla, 20th January, 2024. In order to tackle the menace of drug trafficking and to ensure the safety and well-being of the community, Himachal Pradesh Police has taken several decisive actions against drug traffickers in the year 2023. Himachal Pradesh Police remains committed to eradicating the drug menace from neighboring states. The recent actions are a testament to the dedication and diligence of State Police, who work tirelessly to ensure the safety of our community. Details of the action taken under ND&PS Act during the year 2023 is as under: –
During the year 2023, 2147 cases under ND&PS Act have been registered while 1517 cases were registered the year 2022. Year 2023, 42 percent more cases have been registered as compared to the previous year.
As compared to the year 2022, 26 percent more heroin and double quantity of smack and poppy husk have been recovered during the year 2023. There has also been an increase of 40% in the arrest of criminals involved in
drug trafficking. Destruction of property in NDPS cases is being ensured during 2023. 170 case properties have been destroyed after Court decision during 2023. Jails of the State have the capacity to lodge 2560 prisoners. At present, 1205 accused involved in drug trafficking (47 percent as per the jail capacity) are lodged in various jails of the State.
Pradhav Campaign: – During the year 2023 Himachal Pradesh Police in collaboration with youth and other stakeholders of the state i.e. Hon’ble Courts, Excise Department, Prosecution/Law Department, Journalists etc in the fight of eradication of drugs from the Devboomi have organized a Pradhav Campaign. During these awareness camp strategies were discussed specifically to curb drug addiction.
On the occasion of Environment Day in the year 2023, a special meeting was organized with the students and their parents, whose theme was “u’kk NqM+kvksa&Ik;kZoj.k cpkvks] nsoHkwfe dk s lqjf{kr cukvks”. In the meeting, the students were sworn in to not take drugs. On 25.06.2023, a half marathon was organized at Shimla on the theme ‘Run for Drug-Free, Safe & Green Himachal’.
Action taken under PIT ND&PS Act: – On 11-10-2023, HP Police has circulated a Standing Order under Prevention of Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act (PIT -ND&PS) Act of 1988. The primary objective of the PIT NDPS Act is preventive detention, to prevent the illegal trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. It establishes stringent measures to control and regulate the production, distribution, and sale of these substances.
After becoming a Police District, Nurpur Police has taken smashing action against the accused involved in smuggling of narcotics substances. Two proposals were moved to the Secretary (Home) to the Government of H.P.-cum- Detention Authority under PIT NDPS Act received from the Superintendent of Police, PD Nurpur. Both the persons are habitual drug traffickers. This is the first case in the State in which Detention Authority has passed detention order in respect of Sh. Puneet Mahajan S/O Tarsem Lal, R/O Village Basa, P.O. Raja Ka Bag, Tehsil Nurpur, District Kangra, H.P under Section 3(1) of the Prevention of Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substance Act, 1988.
In continuation of this, 02 more cases have been sent to Detention Authority to pass detention order. At present 03 cases (Nurpur-01 and Hamirpur-02) are under consideration with Detention Authority. Financial Investigation:
Financial investigation is being done in NDPS cases and property is getting attached. 23 cases of illegally acquired property (worth Rs. 13.51 crore) have been forwarded to the Ministry of Finance (MoF) for property attachment.
07 cases of ND&PS Act have been shared with ED for financial investigation, in which property worth of Rs. 40 Crores is involved. On 30.01.2023 The Joint Commissioner, Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue, GoI (Competent Authority and Administrator) Smugglers and Foreign Exchange Manipulators (Forfeiture of Property) Act-1976, ND&PS Act-1985, New Delhi have passed an order for freezing 94 Lakh assets acquired illegally through smuggling of ND&PS by Joni S/o Sh. Baba Ram, R/o Village Channui, Tehsil Indora.
On 30-01-2023 the Joint Commissioner, Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue, GOI (Competent Authority and Administrator) Smugglers and Foreign Exchange Manipulators (Forfeiture of Property) Act-1976, ND&PS Act-1985, New Delhi has passed an order for Freezing of property worth of Rs. 94,00,866/-, which were acquired by Shri Joni @Jona S/O Sh. Baba Ram R/O VPO Channi, Tehsil Indora, which were illegally acquired by him.
The fight against drug peddling is a top priority of Himachal Pradesh Police. We are resolute in our commitment to creating a safe and drug-free environment for our residents. H.P. police encourages residents to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities related to drug peddling or other criminal behavior.