Government to Purchase paddy crop through Civil Supply Corporation

हिमाचल न्यूज़ डेली (Himachal News Daily)
Shimla, 02 August, 2023. Principal Secretary, Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, R.D. Nazeem informed here today that this year the procurement of Dhaan (paddy) in the entire state would be done through Himachal Pradesh State Civil Supplies Corporation to ensure the minimum support price of Rs. 2203 per quintal to the farmers.
He said that it was for the first time that paddy would be procured by the Government in the state. The procurement would be done from 3rd October to 26th December, 2023 through nine Grain Markets viz: Grain Market Fatehpur, Riyali and Milwan in District Kangra, Dhaula Kuan, Paonta Sahib in District Sirmour, Market Yard Nalagarh, Malpur, Baddi in District Solan and Market Yard Takrala in District Una, he added.
He said that the farmers have to register for sale of their crops after filling the details of their crops on the portal. The portal would be opened from 20th September, 2023. He said that farmers would get the sale amount of the produce in their bank account within 48 hours.
Principal Secretary said that last year paddy was procured jointly by Food Corporation of India and Himachal Pradesh State Civil Supplies Corporation. This year, as per the instructions of the Chief Minister, paddy will be procured through the Himachal Pradesh State Civil Supplies Corporation in the entire state to ensure the benefit of the minimum support price to the farmers, said he.